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OSS Compass Project Deep Dive Insight Domain Persona Display Refreshed! Organization Information Editable!

Hello everyone, there's been new developments with OSS Compass lately! The Project Deep Dive Insight Solution has been upgraded once again, so let's take a look at what's changed together.

01 New Look for Domain Persona

First, let's take a look at the Domain Persona on the Project Deep Dive Insight page.

Previous textual descriptions might have been a bit dull, but now, we introduce a brand new way of presentation! Different domains' contributions are displayed using colored bars, where the longer the bar, the more contributions.

Deep blue represents contributions of Code, light blue is for Code Management contributions, orange indicates Issue contributions, and yellow represents Issue Management contributions. Observation contributions are represented by gray bars, visible only when selecting "Guest" in the top right corner.

Want to know more details? Simply hover your mouse over it, and a popup will immediately display specific contribution information.

This new presentation method makes it easy to see the types and quantities of contributions at a glance. Isn't it great? Come and experience it now!

02 Organization Information Editable

In addition, OSS Compass brings you an exciting new feature update: you can now edit the organization information for each contributor!

Simply click on the organization information editing icon in the contributor details table, and you can make modifications in the popup. Of course, this permission is only available to open source project managers.

For individuals who want to modify their own organization information, it's also quite simple. Just go to your personal account settings page, click on "Add a new organization" at the bottom of the page, or modify existing organization information.

Currently, organization information is displayed in English by default. Just enter some letters as prompted for selection. It's very convenient and quick!

So whether it's the update to the Domain Persona or the editing of organization information, these are all efforts made by OSS Compass to provide a better user experience.

Give it a try, and we believe you'll love these new changes!

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment in the comment se

ction or contact us anytime. OSS Compass team will continue to listen to your needs and provide more convenient and practical features for your open source projects as always.

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